1. The start of something new…

Esmée Papa
3 min readFeb 12, 2022

“I’m simply staring at a stupid blinking cursor!” is the text message I sent my brother, Robin. “Just start writing something, anything! And the rest will follow… Wisdom — Lame!” Comes his corny reply. “Gee… Thanks!” But I listen and do it anyway.

Hi, my name is Esmée and I am a freelance copywriter as well as a musical theatre performer. Together with my brother Robin, who works as an Operational Manager, we are starting the habit of publishing 1 blogpost a week. The time has come not only to learn from others but learn by doing. Sharing revelations, wisdom, and f*ck ups, one letter at a time. 😉

You would think as a copywriter who writes content for others for a living, I would have no problem coming up with blogposts and content ideas. And I generally don’t. It’s just that there’s something holding me back from being the brave writer I aspire to be. Well, no more.

I hereby vow to be honest and vulnerable in all of my writing. To share the good, the bad and the ugly yet beautiful truths. My life, I dare say, is pretty damn awesome. It would be a shame not to share.

Writing blogs is something I often do for my clients. Always with some kind of input and topic they want it to be about. I get ideas from their ideas. Like a tidal wave they set up and I ride from start to finish. In the writing up of my very own blogs, I will have to get creative and think of something to share every week. And discipline! Yes, I so wish to have the discipline to sit down and just write every week. Not just for others, my clients, but for me!

Seth Godin, who inspires me significantly with his daily blog, said:

“I’m encouraging each one of you to have (a blog). Something that might not be read by many people — it doesn’t matter — it will be read by you. If you can build that up, you will begin to think more clearly. You will make predictions. You will make assertions. You will make connections. And there they will be, in type, for you to look at a month or a year later. This practice of sharing your ideas to people who will then choose or not choose to share them helps us get out of our own head, because it’s no longer the narrative inside. It’s the narrative outside, the narrative that you’ve typed up, that you’ve cared enough to share.”

— Seth Godin

I think I’ve said my piece. It’s time to get out of my safe little writer’s bubble and out into the big scary Medium- world of professional writers. They are actually doing it. I want to be actually doing it! Hey mom, look at me, i’m on Medium now! 😁

Doing it together is so much more fun than alone, and so I thank Robin for also participating in this blog-a-week challenge. He chose to write in Newsletter format at robinpapa.substack.com. Go check him out. 😊

See you next week!


Write this way



Esmée Papa

Entrepreneurial copywriter from The Netherlands. Esmée is also active in musical theatre as a singer, actress and voiceover!